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Comment 292 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameMargie
Last NameChen
Subject2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan

As an Obgyn who has practiced in SF for over 36 yrs, I am writing you to fulfill your duty to protect us, your constituents from  the harmful effects of air pollution and developing actions to fight climate change. The 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan does neither. Climate change is a public health emergency. The science is clear, we have a terrifying short time frame to stop burning fossil fuels and must not invest in building new fossil fuel infrastructure, yet the draft plan proposes increasing gas-fired power generation (by 10 gigawatts equivalent to 30 new, mid-sized gas-fired power plants). This is a step backwards. The fossil fuel industry wants California to give them billions of dollars in subsidies for risky, ineffective climate deadends like Carbon Capture technology that allows them to continue to pollute. CALGEM scientific advisory panel has clearly stated, the most effective way to protect public health from oil and gas operations is to stop drilling and developing new wells, and phase out existing oil and gas development activities and associated infrastructure. As a health professional, I know first hand the effects that living near oil drilling sites can have on a person's health. For my pregnant patients. they have an increased risk of preterm labor and delivery and small for gestation size. Exposure to air pollutants from early life may be associated with an increase in stress oxidative, inflammation and endothelial dysfunction which in turn might have long term effects on chronic non-communicable diseases. You need to protect my vulnerable pregnant patients and their babies so they will have a health future. We need to stop burning and investing in fossil fuels NOW!


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 14:40:18

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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