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Comment 553 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameLeah
Last NameLouis-Prescott
SubjectDraft Plan fails to address climate crisis

Thank you for the opportunity to comment. My name is Leah Louis-Prescott and I work in the Oakland office of RMI, an independent nonprofit working towards a low-carbon future.  


Thank you for the June 23-24 workshop and thank you to staff for your work on this Scoping Plan. While I appreciate that this draft was an enormous undertaking, I echo the concerns of the EJAC and numerous community members. The current draft Scoping Plan fails to adequately address the climate crisis and falls short of providing Californians with the maximum achievable greenhouse gas emissions reductions.  


Fossil fuels are a threat to our air, our health, and the climate. Exposure to air pollution is now the greatest environmental health risk factor for early death in the U.S. In California, nearly 90% of residents live in a county that exceeds federal levels of acceptable ozone and/or fine particulate matter. In other words, 9 out of 10 Californians breathe harmful air. The plan states that “more must be done to ensure the most vulnerable populations have safe air to breathe,” and so I ask why isn't more being done here in this Plan to maximize near-term pollution reductions? 


The Plan rightly states in chapter 1 that climate change is “right here, right now” and that “the future of our state…is inextricably tied to the way we respond in this decade.” As the plan suggests, there is no time to delay our climate action.  


The Plan should maximize the solutions that are technologically feasible today – such as zero emission vehicles and appliances and minimize reliance on still developing technologies such as carbon capture. Though these technologies may have a long-term role to play, they should not be favored over more ambitious near-term adoption of proven zero emission technologies, as proposed in the selected Scenario. 


I encourage the Board to reconsider and/or revise the Scoping Plan to align with the urgency of the climate crisis. I ask that the final plan accelerate deployment of zero emission technologies, especially for the most vulnerable populations, to provide the health, air quality, and climate benefits that Californians need in this critical decade.  


Thank you. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 15:20:01

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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