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Comment 637 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameMegan
Last NameWhitman
SubjectScoping Plan

My name is Meg Whitman, MD and I am a doctor and mother from Yolo County, CA. CARB is charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing actions to fight climate change. This draft does neither. Climate change is a public health crisis. The science is clear: we have a terrifyingly short time frame to stop burning fossil fuels and we cannot continue to foolishlishly invest in new fossil fuel infrastructure, yet the Draft plan proposes increasing gas-fired power generation (by 10 gigawatts equivalent to 30 new, mid-sized gas-fired power plants). This is a large step backwards. California cannot rely on risky, ineffective climate deadends like Carbon Capture technology that allows them to continue to pollute. CALGEM's scientific advisory panel has clearly stated, the most effective way to protect public health from oil and gas operations is to immediately stop drilling and developing new wells , and phase out existing oil and gas development activities and associated infrastructure. As a primary care physician with advanced epidmeliogic training, I know first hand the effects that living near oil drilling sites can have on a person's health. Breathing in toxic gasses over a long period of time can be fatal in the worst cases and have damaging health effects even in the short term, especially during a pandemic.

I'll never forget the patient who established care with me in the Sacramento area; after her long time allergist essentially advised her to leave the Bay Area due to her difficult to manage reactive airway disease. She was taking 4 daily medications for her maintenance treatment, but had never been able to stop taking predinsone, despite numerous trials over several years. She desperately wanted to wean off some of her medications - she knew they subjected her to increased risk of bruising, infection, osteoporosis, but unfortunately, after having moved to this area, her asthma attacks were no less frequent and no less severe. One day., she asked me if she should stay here. maybe somebday she would acclimate to it?; and I had no way of anwsering her question. Will the pollen seasons contrinue to expand in concentration and ovetr time? How long will it take us to transition fron internal combustion engines to electric vehicles; since tail pipe pollution from I-80 reaches us here, in our homes?. It's an essential question that keeps me up at night, often these days, .

"Where will it be safe? Where will I be able to breathe?"

"I don't know. I don't know." was all I could say

Because it depends on what we do now

Health professionals across the globe recognize that climate change is a public health crisis which impacts the health of people now and to a greater degree in the future. The science is clear, we have a terrifying short time frame to stop burning fossil fuels and must not invest in building new fossil fuel infrastructure. A path to a green economy exists, and it's more affordable now than ever. Existing and currently planned fossil fuel projects are already more than the climate can handle. We are deeply concerned that the Draft Scoping Plan calls for increasing gas-fired power generation by 10 gigawatts (equivalent to 30 new, mid-sized gas-fired power plants) and instead of fast tracking strategies that result in direct emission reduction, it heavily relies on unproven technologies such as Carbon Capture, Storage (CCS) and Direct Air Capture with unrealistic expectations and prohibitive social cost


 A recent EPA analysis affirms that profound adverse health consequences of climate change disproportionately harm Black, Brown, Asian, Indigenous, and low-income communities. Due to the lack of obtainable options to address the climate crisis, these communities are not equipped with the necessary protective measures to prepare and cope with the outcomes, further increasing their vulnerability. It is time to meet the urgency of the climate crisis by prioritizing the frontline communities it impacts the most. We need to phase out fossil fuels, and we need to start with sacrifice zones to right the environmental injustice. 


  • Reliance on Carbon capture technologies for achieving carbon neutrality will subsidize and perpetuate the fossil fuel industry, increase GHG emissions, exacerbate environmental racism and local pollution burdens in EJ communities, and has no place in the Scoping Plan. 

  • CARB should prioritize community-driven solutions that advance a just transition away from fossil fuels and support regenerative economic sectors while promoting good, family-sustaining wage jobs creation and training pathways for impacted workers.



I request that CARB regain it's position among the World's climate leaders by accelerating our transition from a fossil fuel based to a regenerative technology which both protects the lungs of it's citiszens today as well as the health of our planet.


Real climate solutions are clean air and public health solutions. 



Thank you,

Meg Whitman, MD

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 19:54:10

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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