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Comment 647 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameLisa
Last NamePatel
SubjectCalifornia's Climate Scoping Plan must center health and equity

As a practicing physician, I see the effects of climate change playing out in my patients on every shift. I admit severely dehydrated newborns and outdoor workers and athletes with kidney injury during severe heat waves, children with asthma exacerbations during wildfire season, and more and more premature births and low birthweight infants are born on my watch because of the effects of heat and air pollution on adverse birth outcomes. My Black and brown patients are the worst affected--they are more likely to live close to industrial areas of pollution that makes them more vulnerable and this environmental risk is compounded by racism and poverty that negatively impact their health.

California has the opportunity to be a true leader and commit to its goals by conducting a public health equity analysis to prioritize scoping plan strategies, prioritize direct emissions reductions (and fully coordinate the phase out of oil and gas extraction by 2035, oil refining by 2045, and a rapid transition to a zero-emission transportation system by 2035), eliminate cap and trade, minimize the use of false solutions such as carbon capture, and provide community investments in the frontline communities that have been exposed to the worst pollution.

There is no excuse at this moment in history--we have the abundance of evidence on the multitude of harms that the burning of fossil fuels causes. We have the technology to transition us off this foul and polluting energy source. And we have the public will and commitment to make this transition quickly. Now we need those in power to do the right thing.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 21:24:28

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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