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Comment 667 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameVanessa
Last NameForsythe
AffiliationANHE, Climate Health Now
SubjectConcern Limited Information Implementation Plan and Insufficient Health Data

I viewed the EJAC group presentation which highlighted concerns regarding implementation of the CARB scoping plan. My outake was that to reach the 2045 goal a lot more has to happen sooner and there has to be more outreach to everyone in the state. I also listened to about 3 hours of speakers who expressed a variety of concerns about CARBs plan and the impact of air quality on their lives. For me and the people I encounter is air pollution and health.

As a nurse the most difficult experience is being with a patient who is asphixating - unable to get oxygenation. The look on their faces while gasping for air - whether from asthma, chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, COVID 19 ( or smoke inhalation - is distressing and often the medical response can provide some temporary relief but not solve the long term suffering. This is why I believe the existential threat of climate change and associated air pollution so negatively impactsful ono ur health and quality of life -  that is directly connected to fossil fuels  - must be addressed now with aggressive action to sustainable alternative energy sources. Most Californians do not understand the direct impact that fossil fuels have on their health. More quantitative data about health needs to be conducted and presented to the public.

It doesn't make sense to continue building new fossil fuel infrastructure and the draft plam to increase gas-fired power generations is going in the wrong direction. The science does not support Carbon Capture as being "safe" as it risks water and soil contamination as well as increased risks of earthquakes. It is time to say no to subsidizing oil and petroleum companies who profit from our increased health risks. Refineries and oil drilling needs to be scaled back with mitgation in those communities where drilling and refineries are located and who have had the worse health impacts.

I heard the concerns of those fearing loss of jobs, agricultural workers and lower income individuals who believed transitioning building infratructure and transportation away from gas would leave them out of the move towards electrification. It is necessary for the state to aggressively move towards funding mandates so that those most impacted by this transition can survive economically.

Lastly based on what I heard  from presenters CARB needs to bring groups together partculary those in  communities most impacted but not represented and determine solutions driven by their concerns that are equitable and  just with rapid and transparent implementation.

Thank you

Vanessa Forsythe MSN RN

Climate Health Now, CANEHJ

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 23:34:04

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