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Comment 340 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameJean
Last NameTepperman
AffiliationSunflower Alliance
SubjectPhase out fossil fuels, don't rely on CCS


First, I want to thank and congratulate you on the big improvements you made in the draft scoping plan in response to input from the public and the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee.  This process illustrates the essential role of the EJAC in developing policy that best protects all Californians and our future – the importance of making the EJAC permanent!


Second, it’s great that you have committed to a phasedown of fossil fuel production in California – both extraction and refining—in relation to the decline in California’s demand for fossil fuel. But to make this commitment effective, we need some specifics:

·      An ambitious schedule to make the phaseout as fast as possible

·      A commitment to phasing out production for export to everywhere outside the state, to all other states and other countries.

·      An economically and environmentally just transition for workers and communities involved with the fossil fuel industry

·      A transparent public planning and implementation process that includes meaningful representation of those workers and communities, including the stipends and technical assistance that are necessary for communities to participate as full partners.


Third, a climate plan cannot rely on industrial carbon capture and sequestration projects. In addition to prolonging the deadly fossil fuel industry AND increasing environmental injustice in frontline communities, they don’t work! The record of CCS is a mix of underperformance and complete failure. An article in the journal Biophysical Economics and Sustainability reviewed the literature on CCS and concluded that, taken together, the projects so far implemented have led to a slight net increase in carbon in the atmosphere. Relying on a technology that has so far failed doesn’t make sense. In addition, the federal money that is about to be poured into this harmful strategy could instead be used to make investments that would be truly effective in reducing greenhouse gases – like a greatly expanded, convenient, accessible public transportation system powered by renewable energy.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-12-15 11:58:02

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