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Comment 354 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameBrian
Last NameSiana
SubjectMaking the Same Mistakes on Climate Mitigation Modeling

I'm a Physics Professor at UC Riverside, and involved with the UC's Carbon Neutrality Initiative.  It's remarkable how this CARB scoping plan makes a lot of the same mistakes as UC's Carbon Neutrality Initiative from 9 years ago.  Specifically, it delays action until near the end of the modeled timeframe, and relies too much on untested solutions (in this case carbon removal).  After watching implementation of many decarbonization solutions, I'm confident is that the most important action is the near-term action that addresses the first 10-25% of emissions from any sector.  This establishes markets, scales up solutions, moves the private sector, so that addressing the larger chunk of the sector is more straightforward. Please address the scoping plan to focus more on near-term solutions (even if they don't address the entire sector), and please avoid resorting to untested solutions like carbon removal. 

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-21 12:52:59

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