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Comment 65 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameSusan
Last NameGreen
SubjectDraft 2022 Scoping Plan

California has long been such a leader nationally on issues related to combatting the climate crisis, so I've been surprised to learn that CARB's draft 2022 scoping plan is less ambitious than those of some other states, is lacking in transparency and detail, and has the potential to fail to meet our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for both 2030 and 2045. 

Please revise the plan's section addressing progress toward meeting 2030 emission reduction targets by adding detailed data and support for how the Board expects progress to unfold in the next eight years, identifying the risk and potential flaws in California's cap and trade program, and outlining improvements needed in the program that would increase the likelihood it will get us where we need to go by 2030.  Specifically, please address reforms to the program, such as a tighter emissions cap, reducing the number of allowances currently in circulation, establishing no-trading zones in disadvantaged communities and eliminating the use of offsets and distribution of free allowances, that would both help us meet 2030 objectives and do so in a way that prioritizes climate justice.

It's also critically important that California develop an ambitous plan and take action NOW to reduce the use of fossil fuels, including natural gas, and quickly shut down the expansion of new fossil fuel infrastructure. The draft plan's heavy reliance on future carbon dioxide removal, technologies which may be prohibitively expensive and may not even exist at the scale required over the next 20 years, is the height of folly. Please significantly reduce reliance on CDR in the plan, replacing it with plans that would speed reductions in fossil fuel use in the short and long term.

Time is running out.  We can't wait another five years to find out that we're falling short with cap and trade and CDR.  Thank you in advance for your efforts to significantly improve the draft plan.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-13 11:29:55

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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