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Comment 17 for Scoping Plan Update: The Proposed Strategy for Achieving California's 2030 Greenhouse Gas Target and Draft Environmental Analysis (scopingplan2030) - Non-Reg.

First Namefrancis
Last Namemangels
Subjectclimate change comment
As a retired USDA scientist of 35 years, I have noticed local
ecological deterioration from climate change and UV-AB radiation.
That is beyond question, but I suggest remedies:
Tax heavily the motorized toys like snowmobiles, pleasure boats,
and mud quads. Tax heavily the conspicuous consumption lifestyles
and water users, like owning multiple houses, real estate valued
over a million dollars, having a swimming pool, owning a large
estate, large SUV cars, large trucks, any larger than a million
dollar estate tax heavily. Give a break to food gardeners and small
homeowners with incomes under $100,000.  Bluntly I propose a
Thoreau type lifestyle of "SIMPLIFY" be encouraged by the tax
system to cut fossil fuel use and encourage more pleasure in
sociability that in owning stuff.
Further, discourage military spending, for they waste more and
build nothing practical, but are made to destroy, with only a
denigration of our planet as their obvious goal of total waste of
war.  Don't fall into the Reaganese trap of religious
fundamentalism which say "The world is ending, use it up NOW!"
which is but hypocritical hedonism.  Bluntly we need this world. 
It's the only one we have.  If people are too stupid to see that,
or too greedy as corporation executives to see that, Use the big
stick of taxes and law to beat some sense into them.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2017-02-07 21:05:24

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