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Comment 23 for Scoping Plan Update: The Proposed Strategy for Achieving California's 2030 Greenhouse Gas Target and Draft Environmental Analysis (scopingplan2030) - Non-Reg.

First NameRichard
Last NameSolomon, PhD
Subject2017 Draft of the Climate Change Scoping Plan
I am writing to make comments on the CARB's 2017 plan. 

As a citizen concerned about the impact of climate change on our
society I support the need for strong sector specific policies in
conjunction with a price on carbon that is well designed.  As a
clinical psychologist with 30+ years of experience working in
public health related programs I would suggest the following things
in particular.

First, natural gas use in buildings represents 9 percent of the
state's total carbon emissions.  As such, this fossil fuel is
making significant contributions to the air pollution which causes
respiratory illnesses in our citizens.  Thus, I think the state
should initiate action to reduce natural gas use in homes and
businesses beyond what would be reduced through energy efficiency
programs. This should be done by accelerating the electrification
of buildings' air and water heating and cooling systems. 

Second, oil refinery emissions adversely affect the health of those
living in close proximity.  The Scoping Plan must reduce these
emissions much more significantly and more quickly than it does.

Third, vehicle electrification needs to happen more rapidly. It
looks as if ZEV sales for 2025 will not meet the targets that have
been established.  More measures need to be in place to ensure that
the goal of 4 million EV’s by 2030 will be met.

Fourth, much stronger targets for electrifying heavy-duty vehicles
should be adopted. These include the last mile delivery rule and
drayage trucks, greater freight efficiency, and a more ambitious
target for zero emission freight vehicles and equipment by 2030.
For example, electric transit buses powered by today's grid in
California are more than 70 percent lower lifecycle emissions than
the newest diesel or natural gas buses.

Thank you for your attention to these suggestions. I look forward
to their being included in the Draft being prepared.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2017-02-11 04:49:13

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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