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Comment 62 for Scoping Plan Update: The Proposed Strategy for Achieving California's 2030 Greenhouse Gas Target and Draft Environmental Analysis (scopingplan2030) - Non-Reg.

First NameGary
Last NameHughes
AffiliationFriends of the Earth - US
SubjectPetition -- Integrate EJAC Recommendations into Scoping Plan Update
On behalf of Friends of the Earth – United States (FOE-US) this
petition with 6271 California resident signatures
are provided as comment on the Draft 2030 Target Scoping Plan
Update (SPU) and Related Public Workshops
(Workshops). Friends of the Earth – United States defends the
environment and works for a healthy and just world. 

The substance of this petition goes to the heart of our
environmental and social justice concerns regarding the road map
for future California climate policy as it is presented in the SPU.
Clearly there are tremendous challenges to be met, and we
appreciate the enormity of the task put before the Air Resources
Board (ARB) staff for developing an economically just,
ecologically literate, and scientifically defensible plan for the
State of California to meet greenhouse gas emissions
reductions goals.

We commend the State of California political leadership for taking
a vocal and public stance challenging those political
forces that would suggest that global climate change does not
present tremendous risks and existential threats to human
society and the planet’s life systems. We are steadfast in our
belief that making a priority of addressing climate change is
an imperative for the State of California, and we appreciate the
public stance regarding the importance of addressing climate
change that has been taken by political leadership in the state

Our organization and the undersigned humbly request that this
petition be considered:

The environmental justice community in California has made
important recommendations to improve the 2030 Scoping
Plan for meeting the state’s ambitious greenhouse gas emissions
reduction objectives. These recommendations include
prioritizing reducing greenhouse gas emissions at their source and
abandoning the scientifically dubious, economically
inequitable and socially unjust pollution trading mechanisms of
California Cap-and-Trade. California can and must be a
global climate leader by aggressively and effectively addressing
the state’s addiction to fossil fuels. Please incorporate
the recommendations of the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee
into the Scoping Plan, and prioritize emissions
reductions at the source.

Thank you for your attention to this petition.

Original File NameFriends of the Earth Petition_Strengthen Scoping Plan.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2017-04-07 12:05:31

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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