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Comment for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First Namerose marie
Last Namekuhn
SubjectCARB needs to strengthen the global warming plan to protect everyone's health!
I urge the CARB Board to adopt a strong global warming scoping
plan for California to both slow global warming and achieve
immediate reductions in smog and other dangerous air pollutants
that cause illness and death.

Communities throughout California are already facing a public
health crisis from air pollution, experiencing 18,000 premature
deaths yearly, 350,000 asthma attacks, over 4 million missed
school days from children suffering asthma attacks or other
respiratory problems, thousands of hospitalizations and
emergency room visits, and stunted lung development in children.
The elderly, infants and children, individuals suffering from
chronic disease and low income-communities are most at risk for
these health hazards.

I urge the California Air Resources Board to adopt a strong plan
to combat global warming in California and to set the standard
for national and international action. I also urge the state air
board to include a stronger focus on measures to reduce
emissions from driving that contribute the largest percentage of
greenhouse gases in California. The plan should include a much
more aggressive statewide goal for reducing vehicle trips and
measures to promote progressive action by local governments. The
plan should also include a strong goal and additional regulatory
measures for reducing pollution from industrial sources such as
petroleum refineries and cement manufacturing facilities.

In addition, the plan must demonstrate that the variety of
proposed measures will not only make rapid progress toward
reducing greenhouse gases, but will also provide local benefits
to vulnerable individuals and communities and assist with
adaptation to the negative effects of global warming.

Thank you for your consideration of my concerns to strengthen
these key strategies in the AB 32 draft scoping plan.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-17 21:38:03

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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