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Comment for Target Setting Efforts Under Senate Bill 375 (senbill375) - Non-Reg.

First NameAnne
Last NameSherman
SubjectSupport & personal story
Dear Chairman Nichols,

Currently, I am a renter in Canoga Park, CA, (Los Angeles area)
and I have a foot injury, no car. I have only had a car 2 years out
of my entire 31 year life. Now I am facing a big issue. I would be
biking, but I live on the second story. Being a girl, I have little
upper body strength and with this foot injury, I am forced to
retire my bicycle use. IF, however, there were laws in place that
made it illegal for apartments not to provide SAFE, BICYCLE
PARKING, this would not be an issue and I could get to work and
home safely by bike. Instead, I have to worsen my condition by
walking or pay a lot of money to support our bus system which is
causing pollution (I would rather not pollute at all and save my
money to buy food!!!). Below is a form letter of my appreciation,
but i just wanted to make sure my personal story was heard. With
your support, maybe an apartment mandate regarding bicycle parking
is in store in the future (I truly, truly hope so...)

I am writing to thank you for your leadership on climate change
policy and to encourage the California Air Resources Board to
support public health by establishing the most ambitious regional
greenhouse gas reduction targets possible under SB375.  

Establishing strong targets will clearly signal the need for a
departure from business as usual sprawl and support more
sustainable communities throughout California where residents have
healthier, physically active walking, biking or transit
alternatives to driving.  

Improving California’s land use and transportation planning
processes to reduce our dependency on driving offers a wide range
of benefits to our communities. Along with reducing our ongoing air
pollution-related public health crisis and cutting our
contributions to climate change, promoting opportunities for daily
physical activity will reduce the burdens faced by our children,
the elderly and others living with chronic illnesses like asthma,
obesity, diabetes and depression. 

Please continue to support public health by establishing strong
regional greenhouse gas targets.

Thank you for all you do.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-06-22 13:11:22

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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