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Comment 354 for Amendments to the Small Off-Road Engine Regulations: Transition to Zero Emissions (sore2021) - 45 Day.

First NameJan
Last NameDietrick
SubjectLeaves are called leaves because we're supposed to leave them
We do need to just ban the sale of gas-powered leaf blowers asap,
but we need a marketing campaign on behalf of a paradigm-breaking
life cycle analysis of leaves. Add up the negative health impacts
from the air pollution and noise, and the health benefits from
pulling leaves with a rake or pushing them with a broom over to
nearby trees or shrubs for mulch. We think CARB doing marketing
campaigns to counteract the ridiculous think-alike habits and
values promulgated by the marketers of stuff we don't need COULD
measurably reduce GHGs. It could be a challenge campaign with other
states and nations to see who can decrease the gas-powered
leaf-blower population fastest.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-17 21:13:40

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