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Comment 6 for Amendments to the Small Off-Road Engine Regulations: Transition to Zero Emissions (sore2021) - 45 Day.

First NameMuriel
Last NameStrand
Subjecthow to ban leafblowers - we need conversations
For several years I have tabled at the Sunday morning farmers
market in Sacramento under the freeway near Southside Park,
advocating banning leafblowers, especially gas-powered blowers.

I have encountered both resistance and support. The first Sunday I
ever tabled about this, a guy came up to me and announced that he
owned the biggest lawn care company in Sacramento, and that what I
was proposing would never work.

He proceeded to tell me a story about a client, a lawyer who one
day while working on a brief was rudely interrupted by a
gas-powered leafblower. The lawyer called the company and said,
"Get rid of the damn leafblower."


A month went by and the lawyer's wife got the bill, and called the
company saying, "Use the damn leafblower."

Then Mr. Landscaper Company said to me "See! It will never work!

And I said, "What I am seeing is that nobody sat down and had a
conversation about what they wanted, what they were willing to pay,
and what they were willing to do."


And I see that such conversations are still not happening. We are

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-12-09 09:14:20

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