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Comment 3 for Consider Endorsement of an Updated California Tropical Forest Standard (tfs2019) - Non-Reg.

First NameDeseret
Last NameWeeks
AffiliationUniversity of California, Merced
SubjectEndorsement of an Updated California Tropical Forest Standard
Dear California Air Resources Board,
I am deeply concerned about your possible endorsement of the
Tropical Forest Standard (TFS). I am an environmental geographer
who specializes in climate change and other socio-environmental
problems we face as a society. As a current Ph.D. student, my
research surrounds climate change mitigation and adaptation in
California with an emphasis on environmental laws and programs in
addition to important socio-economic theories. What I have found
through my research is that over time economic demands weaken laws
that are made to increase socio-environmental resilience. The TFS
will do just that by allowing GHG emissions to exceed reduction
goals via offset credits. California has much to be proud of in
terms of creating laws, programs, and tools to mitigate and adapt
to climate change. The TFS will effectively un-do so much important
progress while catering to corporations. In addition to those basic
concerns, a major concern includes the leakage provisions and
required accounting as it will be extremely difficult to assure
accounting accuracy as well as the implications of illegal
activities such as logging and mining. Another concern includes the
social and environmental safeguards. We have to recognize that
California will not be in complete control of grievance processes
nor will California be able to assure prior and informed consent. I
urge the California Air Resources Board to at least reconsider
jumping into the TFS program and instead strengthen the cap on GHGs
in California. There have already been adjustments, such as SB 97,
to GHG emissions standards following AB 32 that allow for
exemptions and the current cap and trade program already allows for
GHG emissions to continue above the rate that they should be to
truly see reductions in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. 

-Deseret Weeks

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-08-21 12:10:01

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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