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Comment 35 for Consider Endorsement of an Updated California Tropical Forest Standard (tfs2019) - Non-Reg.

First NamePatricia
Last NameRain
AffiliationThe Vanilla Company
SubjectNo Carbon Offset Options
To All This May Concern:

We are up against the wall, so to speak, when it comes to the
changing climate. I work with tropical farmers and have been
extremely concerned for years about the impact of the changing
climate as it affects everyone worldwide in different ways.

While the concept of carbon offset credits sounds good on paper, in
actuality, it provides many large corporations and the airlines an
easy loophole where they can continue to pollute and "write it
off." The reality is that the Tropical Forest Standard is
incredibly corrupt. No surprise; it has ever been thus. I have seen
the devastation done to the Indonesian rain forest and in Central
and South American forests. We are losing plant, animal and insect
species at an unprecedented rate -- by some counts, every
four-to-eight minutes! Every month we are recording higher global
temperatures on every continent. Africa and South America are
drying up and will rapidly lose crops that they depend on for
survival as they sell their coffee, chocolate, vanilla, bananas and
much more to Europe and the USA. If these people lose their crops
what will they do and where will they go??

This is the century of desperation for food, water, and making a
living. The ONLY way we are going to lower the carbon footprint is
by leaving it in the ground. With the tundra in Alaska without
permafrost, more carbon is going into the atmosphere every day.

This isn't a wake-up call -- it's  huge shout-out that if humans
are going to survive to the end of this century, we'd damn well
better come up with workable solutions!! We need to act
quickly-but-wisely. Stop cutting the big polluters a lot of slack.
We need smart ways to save our planet!!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-08-27 14:40:06

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