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Comment 51 for Consider Endorsement of an Updated California Tropical Forest Standard (tfs2019) - Non-Reg.

First NameJohnny
Last NameSorensen
SubjectOff Sets for public polluters
Please, for the sake of the planet, for the sake of the children
here and now and in the future and for the sake of all creatures
more or less great and small, do not allow big industry polluters
to conduct themselves as "business as usual" in the 80's we as a
society had a big chance to halt the most dramatic aspects of
climate change, well frankly, not anymore and we as a species on
this one blue or not so blue, do not have the luxury to allow the
usual polluting industries of the world to think they have license
to go on as usual, destroying the planet for profit, at it's and 
ours and our children's and  children's future? expense, so please
find a conscience somewhere deep in side you, those that can make a
difference and say no,to any and all carbon offsets.

Were out of time for no longer is it on our side, it's either
dramatic swift action, or we and the planet are doomed to
extinction, it's that real and that scary, just follow all the
current events of science, get your head out of the sand of denial,
one planet, it's all we have, there is no second home not even for
the super rich with all there wealth, there just like all the rest
of us and their precious money will not save them period!   

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-08-28 05:06:06

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