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Comment for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NameWillie
Last NameKazakoff
We all know that any decision that does not mandate more highway
able production line electric cars is a blatant choice to line the
pockets of corporate officials and politicians and a criminal
choice to continue to pollute the air. WHICH is exactly what you
as a member of the California Air Resource Board are getting paid
to combat.

Make the right choice. Do your job. Vote for a strong ZEV mandate
NOW and spare your children and grandchildren from having to clean
up our mess.

I hope you don't fool yourself. This choice, this vote, here in
California, today March 27th 2008, will influence the world.

On behalf of my children's generation and all generations future
and present, I am begging you to take the biggest stand of your
life. Out of the people in our world you and this small group of
people at CARB can take the largest bite out of the pollution
machine that is America, right here, with this vote.

CARB has done it before and can do it again. Tell the worlds car
manufacturers that if they want to sell cars in California they
will need to make practical ZEV's now.


    * Require the full 25,000 ZEVs that automakers had promised
for 2012-2014
    * Create a separate requirement for plug-in hybrids that lets
them replace the dirtiest vehicles in CARB's regulations, rather
than the cleanest ZEVs
    * Incentivize plug-in hybrids that have the most on-board
electricity storage

Thanks for your time in reading this.

Willie Kazakoff


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-21 09:51:10

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