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Comment 125 for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NameGilbert
Last NameHendren
Subjectpossible electic vehicle CARB cutbacks

Please don't limit the benefits of electric transportation again. 
This has been a difficult thing as CARB has consistently cut down
on the most practical (electric) transportation and tried to
encourage the most impractical (hydrogen) transportation that
costs 20 times as much to work.

Generally I agree with you on your decisions to improve air
quality, especially when it is a good choice and helps us make
better decisions on our own.  I was very dissappointed when the
EV1 & EV2 along with many other non-polluting vehicles were
removed from the road but this problem was somewhat offset by the
idea that CARB would require more of these vehicles on the road
based upon the existing 'rules' it had set at the time.  Now they
are threatened to be eliminated and the benefits of electric
transportation will be eliminated from us again.

I am EXTREMELY UNHAPPY about your decision to consider a new law
that changes the rules IE zev2008.  I have looked forward to the
possibility of myself and many people I know being able to
purchase an electric vehicle if they wish.  There are thousands
who would buy one now as the technology exists and battery
technology has finally reached the ability for vehicles to drive
over 200 miles until charging is necessary.  Most of us would LOVE
to have a car that is able to drive in such a manner, yet zev2008
would limit the vehicles and eliminate anyone I know from being
able to afford one.  This is accomplished by cutting back on
electric car 'benefits' and replacing them with hydrogen vehicle
benefits.  Hydrogen vehicles will perhaps never be practical and
are certainly not even close to being reasonable now.

Shame on you for taking away this technology from the thousands of
people who would love to cut down on air pollution NOW by buying an
electric car rather than driving polluting vehicles now because we
have no choice.  We then must wait 5-10 years for the Hydrogen
vehicles from coming available (at over $500,000 as we see them

Please don't damage the development of the electric car again!

Thank you for listening

Gilbert Hendren

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-17 13:09:35

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