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Comment 43 for Zero Emission Vehicle Regulation (zev2012) - 45 Day.

First NameJessica
Last NameTovar
SubjectClean Cars Campaign
My name is Jessica Tovar and I am the Project Manager for the Long
Beach Alliance for Children with Asthma (LBACA) and I want to
express my strong support for the California Clean Cars Campaign.
We are deeply concerned about the poor health outcomes caused by
air pollution that is driven largely by transportation emissions in
California. LBACA assists children and families with poorly
controlled asthma. In our work we see the high utilization of
emergency department services, missed school days which means lost
school learning time, parental work time, additional doctor’s
visits, medications and general stress for the affected families. 

Despite advances in improving air quality, Long Beach and its
surrounding communities will likely continue to experience the
disproportionate impact of asthma and other health conditions
resulting from poor air quality. The short and long term effects of
exposure to high levels of ambient air pollution on children is a
major concern based on the large body of research documenting
associations between exposure to pollution from traffic related
sources and asthma. 

Stronger clean car standards will assist in cleaning up the air and
protecting the health of the children we serve every day at the
Long Beach Alliance for Children with Asthma.  We urge the
California Air Resources Board to move forward in protecting public
health. Thank you. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2012-01-24 17:27:43

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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