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Comment 88 for Provides the public and stakeholders opportunities to provide "informal" public comments as part of ARB's 2013 Scoping Plan Update Workshop Series (2013-sp-update-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Gary
Last Name: Stafford
Email Address:
Affiliation: CFMA, CSBA

Subject: AB 32 will increase costs to small business
To date no cost analysis has been done on the effects on small
business.  The only cost analysis that have been done appear to be
after the fact to justify decisions already made.  Small business
is going to see large increases in the cost of utilities,
transportation and materials which will severely affect their
competitive position in relation to out of state and foreign
producers.  If increased costs force business to relocate out of
California the GHG emissions will just be relocated with them and
nothing will have been gained.  CARB should be required by the
legislature to perform a detailed third party analysis of both the
direct and indirect costs of AB 32 on small business and to adopt
programs to minimize those costs.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-08-12 16:48:08

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