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Comment 4 for Cap & Trade Public Meeting (7-30-intl-offsets-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Cindy
Last Name: Brady
Email Address:

Way to go Ziperstein! My sentiments exactly...Our own regulators
(who we are paying for, except Furlough days) are forcing our own
state to go under. Can't you regulators see that by forcing us and
others to comply with your poppycock is ludicrous at best? Your
perception that cleaning up California is going to be the
forerunners in everyone complying which instead make us look like a
bunch of prima donnas, pansy, sugarbaby, lalas. Your only comment
to that question has been, "Well we have to start somewhere."
Seriously, don't you have better things to do with your degrees?
Are your degrees in environmental or did you go to the "Gore School
of Bull"? 

The more simpler solution would be to quit buying things made from
other countries. If they are not manufacturing our Ipods,
computers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, electrical
lighting, etc. then they would not be polluting their own country's
resources. We are out of jobs here in the U.S.A. because we don't
make or build anything anymore...I can see your point however, if
we did that, you regulators would be out of a job. Oh well, let's
do the math, more of us worker bees than you. Unfortunately, if you
get your way, there soon will be more of you than us, oh but by
that time we'll be owned by China and have a completely different
non-free lifestyle..

I'm mad as heck that you simpletons claim to be the ultimate
environmentalists, but how many of your homes are equipped with the
latest and greatest? Check the labels, very few of your
conveniences come from clean America instead the polluted countries
you are trying to butt in and regulate. Do you really practice what
you are preaching? Try using Cap & Trade and GHG in your own home
and see where it gets you first before subjecting us to your stupid

As an American, I choose to speak out against those who try to
destroy our very core which makes us who we are. I will no longer
buy any product that is not "Made in the USA" and if my kids whine
about it, I'll tell them they can come live with you. If we all
simply flat out refuse to buy those non-american products, we will
clean up this planet in no time flat...

Remember what happened at the Boston Tea Party - did they pollute
the water or stop the government from polluting them? Karma

Thank you, Cindy Brady (remember that name)


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2009-08-31 11:15:51

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