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Comment 3 for Informal Public Comments on the Proposed Advanced Clean Fleets Rulemaking (acf-comments-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Moore
Email Address:

Subject: Zero Emission Trucks May Not Be Zero Emission
Please address the entire life cycle of Zero emission trucks.

1) How will the engergy produced to power all these trucks and cars
affect the environment?  Solar and wind can only go so far.

Zero emission trucks are not zero emission if the source energy and
distribution system is not zero emission as well.   

Where will the massive increase in electical power come from and at
what environmental and economic cost?  

3) How will we recycle all of these "hazardous materials" at the
end of the equipment life.  What is the environmental and ecomomic
costs to reclaim these vehicles including the batteries?  

Today nearly 95% of vehicles are easily recycled.  Battery driven
vehicle recycling challenges need to be addressed. 

Zero emission is not zero emission if these two issues won't allow
for it.  

Near zero emission with natural gas may be a better net value when
all sources are included in the analysis. 

Please address the important considerations above.



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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-02-08 10:51:33

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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