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Comment 84 for Informal Public Comments on the Proposed Advanced Clean Fleets Rulemaking (acf-comments-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Will
Last Name: Brieger
Email Address:

Subject: why exempt workover rigs?
The current draft proposal exempts oilfield drilling and workover
rigs, presumably because it would be difficult to build or buy a
zero emission drilling vehicle.  But state policy, reflected in a
raft of statutes, regulations, and executive order is contrary. In
countless ways, California law seeks to replace petroleum with
alternative fuels.  See, e.g., Public Resources Code 25000.5.  The
Governor's Executive Order N-79-20 directs CARB to protect
Californians from the impacts of petroleum fuel use, by phasing out
the sale of internal combustion vehicles, and directs CalGEM to
more vigorously protect Californians from the impacts of oil

The State having identified petroleum as the problem, why do we
want to make it easier or less expensive to pollute our air while
extracting a product -- oil -- that is targeted for replacement??


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-10-27 15:38:17

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