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Comment 71 for EJAC Community Meeting Comments (ejac-comm-mtgs-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Robert
Last Name: Jefferson
Email Address:

Subject: Education to low-income families about diet
Low-income people, such as my family and friends, live in a culture
that promotes eating animal, dairy and processed foods without
knowledge about the effects on the climate and our health. I
suggest that ARB implement a statewide outreach program including
free education about nutrition choices that are better for health
and the climate. For many people, they must have samples of
alternative foods. The program must include distribution of
alternative food choices at low or not cost. For example, minimally
processed, locally produced non-dairy beverages, cheeses, and
protein foods. The program can include recipes and demonstrations
for how to make your own high protein vegeable-based foods.

The program can be carried out by qualified nutritionists and local
food programs, like Food Share in Ventura County, to provide free
or low-cost samples.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-08-12 16:58:36

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