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Comment 93 for Public Input on Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds (investmentplan-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Elizabeth
Last Name: Coyne
Email Address:

Subject: Cap and Trade auction
I object to the cap and trade program and the upcoming auction.
This auction involves foreign investment entities and will expose
the proceeds to market manipulation.
This represents an enormous new tax on California businesses, not
authorized by the legislature as required by law, which will only
make California an even worse place to do business than it already
is. This is saying a lot, since California has been rated the worst
place to do business for  the last eight years.Our energy costs are
already the highest in the nation. With the inevitable skyrocketing
energy rates this will cause, more and more businesses will close
or move to other states. How can this be good for California?
Time and again your agency acts with wholesale disregard for the
costs of your actions. People who have to work and live in the real
world are constantly penalized by your zealous focus on the fraud
that is man made global warming.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2012-06-22 12:37:18

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