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Comment 2 for Concepts for In-Use Locomotive Regulation (locoregulation-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Abas
Last Name: Goodarzi
Email Address:
Affiliation: US Hybrid

Subject: Train Vs. Truck for clean mobility.
As a local port resident and company, I commend ARB for clean
transportation initiatives.
The freight train fuel efficiency and emission are way
underestimated when compared with trucks, especially when we look
at emission or fuel economy per ton-cargo/mile driven.
Trains are about 30% more efficient, simply due to not having and
stop and go traffic when compared with trucks, however when we add
the additional emission associated with loading and unloading of
the train and then to the Truck for final delivery the total
emission and fuel economy are at par. I do support clean
locomotives and are needed for long Hauls, however for the line
hauls (20-300 miles) Clean truck is good (emission/cargo-ton) as
train and it can be implemented much faster with more suppliers and
commercial competition, than a train. We only have one Train system
supplier/GE and 4 years to get to demonstrate, which is too late
for our community need.


Original File Name: US Hybrid Green Transportation presentations .pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2020-11-13 11:09:02

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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