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Comment 8 for Comments on the RTAC (sb375-rtac-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Linda
Last Name: Wheaton
Email Address:
Affiliation: HCD

Subject: JHB bibliography
Doug, et. al.:  

Below for your information is the link to HCD's latest update of
an electronic bibliography on JHB issues. . . it includes the work
done on this issue by the MPOs and others for the Inter-Regional
Partnerships (IRP) Program in the earlier part of the decade (link
excerpted below).  The IRP Program was a forerunner of the Regional
Blueprint Program.

Jobs-housing balance resources // Issues related to the spatial
relationship between the location of jobs and housing have posed a
persistent planning challenge for some time. This bibliography
includes the work of researchers and planning practitioners in
tackling these issues which are found to defy “one-size-fits-all”
prescriptions. Planning for and attaining an adequate supply of
housing located within a reasonable commute distance of compatible
employment opportunities for the workforce involves complex

and mobility strategies / Wheaton, Linda, ed. -- Sacramento, CA:
California Department of Housing and Community Development, 2005,
232 p.

Available full text via the World Wide Web:

“This report describes and evaluates the California Inter-Regional
Partnership (IRP) Program as of 2004, and also includes a
literature review of jobs-housing relationships. The purpose of the
IRP Program was to ‘encourage state land-use patterns that balance
the location of employment-generating uses so that
employment-related commuting is minimized,’ and to provide a forum
for some of the State’s most impacted regions to deal
collaboratively on issues regarding jobs, housing, and
transportation. …This report includes an overview of the IRP
Program, evaluates issues relating to jobs-housing relationships,
summarizes lessons from the IRP projects, and includes highlights
of the summary reports of each of the eight IRPs funded by the
program…. The report ddvises there is no ‘one size fits all’
prescription for these issues; it is necessary to evaluate each
context to identify appropriate strategies. …” (ps. ES-1, 18)




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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2009-04-24 13:57:16

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