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Comment 10 for Public Workshop on the Transportation Sector to Inform the 2030 Target Scoping Plan Update (scoplan2030trnspt-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Sherman
Last Name: Lewis
Email Address:
Affiliation: Hayward Area Planning Association

Subject: Potential State-Level Strategies to Advance Sustainable, Equitable Communities and Reduce
   Comment re: "updates to the CEQA Guidelines...VMT-reducing
measures." I attach a document that will hopeful contribute to this
   The State also should consider helping answer:
1. How well to neighborhood parking permit programs control excess
parking demand? What is the role of enforcement, cost, and not
issuing too many permits? Can they deal with overflow created by
unbundling? I need a specific example to deal with my NIMBY
2. How much money is being wasted in the form of unused parking
forced by zoning requirements? TransForm has done amazing work on
affordable housing projects in the Bay area--millions of $$
3. Can the psychology of persuasion used by Berkeley with merchants
work elsewhere to get support for market parking charges?
4. Can the state develop expertise in pro formas and Fannie
Mae/HUD/FHA multi-family lending and underwriting and tax credit
financing rules to advise cities so they are not blackmailed by
5. Can the state take the next step to advance the MTC VPP project
with model ordinances to manage unbundling, commercial parking, and
neighborhood parking, and publicize where the combination is a
6. Would the State develop guidance on a range of Green Moblity and
how they work together to reduce drive-alone?

It is environmentally incorrect to accept excessive population
growth. It is correct to support improving the status of women,
even in poor countries, and growing the economy with productivity
and income gains, not more cheap labor. You are trying to achieve
sustainability within a flawed hyper-growth model. 

TOD fails if it allows bundling; it must include unbundling and
reinforcing Green Mobility policies.

You need an operation definition for "viable transportation
alternatives." Example: A grocery store within 15 minute travel
time; quality transit to centers within a 10 minute walk.

You need to discuss kids from low income communities who are away
at college and struggling financially. 

Transportation pricing! great! Two clues: Look at the social
process of getting acceptance where there has been success. Look at
baby steps like a block of easy-pay market charge parking with
signage to free parking nearby. 

Can you find centers that have some base of car access but have
increased non-auto access and not used subsidized parking


Original File Name: Comments on Initial Study.docx

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-09-17 14:22:47

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