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Comment 1 for April 5, 2016 Cap-and-Trade Workshop on Cost-Containment and Sector-Based Offsets (sectorbased3-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Ronald
Last Name: Stein
Email Address:

Subject: Transparency of any results from the emissions crusade
When will the ARB and AQMD provide transparency of the results of
the emissions crusade? California’s flagship climate change policy
Assembly Bill 32, the Global Warming Initiative was signed into law
in 2006 when California was contributing 1% to the worlds green
hose gases. And now, 10 years later, by AVOIDING transparency of
the results of the California emissions crusade, the state only
focuses on how to spend the cap and trade funds they receive. 

Now, a decade later, California still contributes a miniscule 1
percent ( 1%) and has had little to no impact on the reduction of
global greenhouse gas emissions. With many of the businesses the
emit now departed from California, the contributions to the worlds
greenhouse gases has actually INCREASED as no other state or
country comes close to California which has the most stringent
environmental laws and regulations in the world. 

California is in a precarious position, being an energy island with
the Sierra Mountains on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other
side. The 40,000,000 million gallons of transportation fuel being
consumed EVERY DAY by the present 32 million vehicles are only
manufactured here in California by the few refineries that are
left, as virtually no other state or country can provide our
boutique fuels in a timely manner to California. Sounds like a lot
of fuel, but it’s just more than 1 gallon per day, per vehicle! 

Contributory to the islands high cost of fuel is that California’s
boutique fuels are not manufactured at present in other states or
countries, the high California taxes on fuel, and the extra costs
for California’s emission crusade. There are no pipelines to bring
into the state, the energy needed to run the economy. If it were
less expensive to import our transportation fuels, it would already
be in process. 

If and when other states or countries opt to manufacture the
California boutique fuels, the results of importing our energy
needs via trucks, rail and ships from States and Counties that have
less stringent environmental controls than California, would be
increases to the world’s greenhouse gasses, and increases in costs
for our transportation fuels, energy, and every product that are
the basis of our standard of living for those living in California.

Yet, the state, by avoiding transparency of the results of the
California emissions crusade remains on a go-it-alone crusade to
micro manage the California emissions that generates billions of
dollars for the government at the expense of businesses and the
financially challenged. With numerous state government agencies,
there is a feeding frenzy on getting a piece of the lucrative cap
and trade tax revenue, yet there remains no progress in California
reducing its contribution to the Worlds Greenhouse gasses. When
will the AQMD will provide transparency of the results of the
emissions crusade? 

The public, especially the homeless and poor that are paying dearly
for the emissions crusade efforts of the ARB and AQMD deserves to
know if there is any progress over the last decade in reducing
California’s 2006 1% contribution to the world’s greenhouse gases.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-04-12 05:58:40

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