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Comment 5 for April 5, 2016 Cap-and-Trade Workshop on Cost-Containment and Sector-Based Offsets (sectorbased3-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Thomas
Last Name: Vessels
Email Address:

Subject: Cost containment of Cap and Trade
I respectfully recommend that California continue to take the lead
in policies to slow climate change by:

Concentrate on reducing methane  and black carbon in the
atmosphere.  According to scientific findings attached herewith,
reducing those will make the most cost effective repair to climate
damage in the short term.  The most cost effective strategies to
repair the  climate will likewise contain the  cost of climate

Evaluating proposals and initiatives based on their climate repair
potential in a 20 year time frame instead of a 100  year time
frame.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC) use a 100 year
time frame that was developed in the 1990s when interested parties
thought we had 100 years.  Climate change is  occurring faster than
early modeling predicted and we are seeing the impacts now.  We are
in climate change.   

Go immediately to using Scientific information and guidance and let
the  EPA and UNFCC catch up with California instead of California
waiting for the EPA to adjust.  Methane and Soot or black carbon
reduction in the atmosphere will make the quickest repair to 
climate damage in the most cost effective way.  According to
scientific analysis a 20 year global warming potential for methane
is 100 not the 21 currently used  by California or the  25 used by
the EPA.   


Original File Name: MMCCACAPTRADEGMIDC2016.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-04-21 12:37:29

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