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Comment 12 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Ellen
Last Name: Koivisto
Email Address:

Subject: more
All these plans are literally a drop in the ocean.  More needs to
be done, more drastic action needs to be taken, and things need to
happen a lot faster.  The planet is at stake here, not in some
indefinite future but now and we need to act drastically now or
we'll all suffer, except those who die from it -- like 90% of all
species, like millions of humans, like the biosphere of the

We need to drastically reduce CO2, methane and water vapor
production.  We need to treat cars the same as cigarettes, only
more lethal to a greater number of people over time and with
greater costs to society.  We need to phase out gasoline use, coal
use, and nuclear power.  We need to ramp into place alternative
energy sources that do not produce CO2 (hence, biofuels are just a
different problem, not a solution).  We need massive government
funding for wind, solar, other alternative and reductive
strategies.  We need a huge recycling effort.  We need to be on a
footing similar to that during WW II, only the need is more
pressing and the ultimate costs of losing this battle infinitely

And we need to do all this NOW.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-02 09:18:30

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