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Comment 88 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Gladwyn
Last Name: d'Souza
Email Address:

Subject: comments regarding the California Air Resources Board's DRAFT Scoping Plan
·        Use Cap and Dividend. Make polluters pay for their
emissions of greenhouse gases, using the resulting revenues to
promote clean energy and aid low-income consumers. Limit sharply
and verify any offsets. Do not link our program to any states with
weaker emission standards.

·        Include stronger measures to reform land use planning in
ways that reduce vehicle miles traveled. Give cities clean air
credits so that they can implement strong policies such as a 20
mph speed limit across the town which will enable exiting
technologies like Neighborhood Electric Vehicles. Cities should
also enable complete streets for walking and bicycling.

·        Promote and enable Community Choice Electricity
Aggregation (CCA), which lets communities pool their buying power
to generate clean power. Mandate that PG&E pay for overproduction
at the Maximum Market Rate Referenent.

·        Mandate that auto companies sell hundreds of thousands of
Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) by 2014, not the feeble proposed
level of 7500 ZEVs. 20 mph cities can accomplish this without

·        Put Zero Waste front and center:  increase recycling by
businesses, mandate  constructing facilities to compost all green
waste, and require producers to take responsibility for the
end-of-life disposition of their products.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-28 23:03:11

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