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Comment 111 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Gordon
Last Name: Mann
Email Address:

Subject: Use of urban trees to achieve greenhouse gas reductios
Thank you for including trees in greenhouse gas reductions.  there
are 4 areas that affect how trees will achieve reduction:

Local government actions

The inclusion of trees in the AB32 plan can be enhanced to provide
a great return on investment.

Trees will reduce greenouse gas reductions  through shading and
energy conservation, carbon sequestration, encouraging more foot
and bicycle traffic, urban wood utilization, and reduced ambient
air temperatures and heat islands.

a conflict with solar exists by encouraging or requiring
individual solar systems on homes.  Soalr power unless the sole
power source for a building will not be viable during a power
failure.  The use of solar panels conflicts with trees shading the
building that will reduce the need for energy.  The solution is to
create solar farms or surrogate solar sites on top of parking
structures, tall buildings and large footprint buildings that
cannot otherwise be shaded.  Along with providing a great location
for the solar panels, the roofs and top level will receive shade,
reducing building temperatures.

The state can create incentives or coordinate urban wood
utilization to improve the viability of this market and enhance
carbon sequestration.

There are other environmental benefits from urban trees in
stormwater interception, air quality, public health, and retail
sales and property value increases that increase the return on
urban tree investment.

There are many opportunities to increase tree canopy in
underserved communities that provide additional social benefits 
to the greenhouse gas reductions.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-30 15:54:18

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