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Comment 182 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Sandy
Last Name: Sanders
Email Address:

Subject: General Comments on CA Climate Change Plan
It is excellent that the public can comment on the Scoping Plan but
I have some concerns. 

Comments are broken up into a dozen components and when included
with absorbing the documentation and obtaining outside information
to respond appropriately, this would literaly take citizens many
hours of valuable time. 

With all the problems our society has, is it reasonable to think
that citizens will be able to make comments to each of these
circumstances that government agencies are attempting solve

I think that citizen participation has been made too complex by
business lobbies thwarting our government from legislating
sustainability. Businesses and corporations thusly have shaped our
civilization into near failure mode.

Solving environmental problems is only complex when business
lobbying makes it so. This is not brain surgery. Eliminating
toxicity and building sustainability should be an unwavering
objective of 2020 with incremental steps negotiated with
businesses to make it reality. This would give them 12 years. If
they do not participate, fine them and send them packing, and
start government/citizen-run businesses to build clean,
sustainable technologies by hiring their employees and
brainstorming us to useful solutions. 

Here's a list of ideas to be implemented by 2020:

-  Solar Rooftops and Wind or other clean alternative energy
subsidies and mandates for existing and new buildings to equal CA
energy needs by 2020.

-  Phase-out of all gasoline or deisel automobiles by 2020 from
new car sales.

-  Repeal all local laws resricting the growth and planting of
food and fruit bearing plants and trees so that local food
production can be done by citizens themselves.

-  Make public transporation free and drastically ramp up new,
clean, efficient public transportation as resulting demand will

-  Lower the 40 hour workweek to 24 hours, allowing more jobs and
more free time to citizens so they can participate in local self
sustainance and direct democracy.

-  Eliminate Corporate Personhood to remove wealthy, non-citizen
influences from our democracy!

This is not brain surgery. The only blockage to these above
initiatives are the whining of existing businesses who depend upon
controlling our government from allowing common sense sustainable
change, so they don't have to invest and retool to sustainability.
They are just lazy and need to kicked in the butt, or booted!

Sandy Sanders
2200 Adeline Street, #250A
Oakland, CA 94607
H: 510/763-1935


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-01 12:43:17

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