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Comment 273 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Kirsch
Email Address:

Subject: Incentivize utilities to build an IFR nuclear reactor
The only way to stop climate change is to eliminate coal.

the only way to do that is to prove you can build a power plant
that is cheaper than a coal plant, but with zero emissions.

the only thing that does that is the IFR which was scuttled in
1994  by Clinton who called it unnecessary.

James Hansen just found out about it and he thinks it is extremely

GE has a commercial design called the S-PRISM that is ready to be

We should build one in California and show the world out of this


It's an amazing story of government foresight and stupidity.

California can't solve the climate crisis alone. The draft plan
does nothing to show the world how to replace coal plants. That's
critical. otherwise we win the battle in california, but lose the
war. This is one war we cannot lose.

Please read the link.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-08 18:59:02

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