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Comment 45 for Land Use Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-landuse-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Yvette
Last Name: Rincon
Email Address:
Affiliation: City of Sacramento

Subject: City of Sacramento
City of Sacramento Comments Regarding Land Use and Regional Transit

1.	Regional Transit must be a priority at the State level.  We
agree with ARB’s emphasis of the concept of making the connection
between transportation and land use and regional planning such as
the blueprint. The City of Sacramento has already embraced these
concepts by participating in the SACOG blueprint process and
adopting a general plan that is consistent with the Blueprint. ARB
should reward cities who have taken these steps. However, ARB must
recognize in the scoping plan that in order for cities to have
effective land use plans connected to transportation, the State
needs to make regional transit funding a priority. There must be
viable transportation alternatives including bus and light rail. 

2.	Meaningful guidance is needed from the State regarding use of
CEQA as it relates to climate control.  ARB makes several
references to utilizing the CEQA process to identify potential
impacts and mitigation measures.  However, in order for cities to
do this the ARB and the OPR need to provide meaningful guidance to
local jurisdictions, including: how to set thresholds of
significance; what constitutes a de minimis impact; developing a
consistent statewide methodology and technological resources that
local government can use to quantify not only local baseline
emission levels, but also how to quantify mitigation for various
types of projects.  

3.	Heavy/Medium-Duty Vehicles. We would be interested in
regulations addressing the fuel efficiency and hybridization of
heavy and medium-duty trucks that improve fuel efficiency and
reduce aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance, provided the
regulations are cost effective and are phased in over time.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-01 11:54:08

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