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Comment 52 for Land Use Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-landuse-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Steven
Last Name: Goetz
Email Address:
Affiliation: Contra Costa County

Subject: Land Use and Local Government
The proposed Regional Targets should be supported by the State
Environmental Goals and Policy Report (EGPR) and the 5-year
infrastructure plan required by State law, Chapter 1016 - Statutes
of 2002.  This coordination is mentioned in Appendix C, but
apparently such coordination is not acknowledged at this point as
appropriate for incorporation into the Scoping Plan.  The
recommendations of Appendix C regarding development and
maintenance of the EGPR and a 5-year infrastructure plan for the
State should be pulled into the Scoping Plan.  Such coordination
of planning efforts was also listed in the report of the Land Use
Subgroup of the Climate Action Team (LUSCAT) as an essential
principle to the long-term vision for land use planning in

The Scoping Plan on page 32 indicates that local governments have
the ability to directly influence both the siting and design of
new residential and commercial developments in a way that reduces
greenhouse gases associated with energy, water, waste, and vehicle
travel.  The Scoping Plan should also acknowledge that
single-purpose entities such as school and college districts
operate independent of cities and counties under state law.  These
independent entities construct facilities that create major
destinations for a community and can significantly affect green
house gasses associated with energy, water, waste, and vehicle
travel.  The State can assist local government in meeting regional
targets by ensuring that laws and regulations that support special
districts are coordinated with the actions of local government.

Substantial experience with development of school facilities under
existing State law and related regulations/programs warrants
consideration the following changes, in consultation with affected
•	Revision to the Government Code Section 65302 to include sites
for school facilities as a required component of the land use
element of General Plans.  
•	Evaluation of state school facility siting standards and
regulations to ensure siting of facilities in a GHG efficient
manner (e.g. protect greenfields, minimize transportation
requirements, and preserve habitat and natural resources).  
•	Adoption of siting criteria by the State Allocation Board as a
prerequisite for grant funding or adoption of the criteria as a
state requirement for any facility funding.

Please refer to the comments provided under the “State Government”
sector for relevant State actions.  These State actions will help
provide the state leadership and funding to support the local
government actions recommended by the Scoping Plan.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-01 16:19:52

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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