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Comment 5 for State Government Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-stategov-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Keith
Last Name: Roberts
Email Address:

Subject: State Government improvements
1.	Page 13, Role of the State, Setting An Example: The State and
many cities are attempting to accomplish the same goal; to achieve
sustainability for our respective communities and regions.  To
further this goal, the City of Sacramento is operating a pilot
program to provide qualifications (and future bid) preferences to
firms that show they operate in a sustainable fashion.  See

The City believes that this effort will do much to improve the
sustainability practices of our supply-chain at a minimal cost to
the City thus helping us achieve our over-arching goal of
“Creating A Sustainable City”.  

Would like to see this type of program implemented by other
jurisdictions including the State:
•	in order to achieve our common goal
•	to provide a consistent process for vendors and contractors that
make up ours and the State’s supply chain
•	to leverage each other’s buying power
•	to reward vendors and contractors that operate sustainably
•	to assist State in improving its “carbon shadow”

2.	Page 13, Role of the State, Setting An Example:  With respect
to qualifications and bid preferences, in addition, Sacramento
would like to see the State take leadership of this process
(development and operations) and provide cities with a completely
operational tool that they can use on their own.

3.	Page 13, Role of the State, Setting An Example:  With respect
to qualifications and bid preferences, the City believes that any
City, or public agency, can currently provide a QUALIFICATIONS
preference under existing law, however there is a concern about
the legality of offering BID preferences for sustainability at the
municipal level which may be allayed or eviscerated by state
legislation which legitimizes and enunciates support for such
programs.  If the State agrees, a law should be developed to allow
jurisdictions to use this tool to assist in making their community


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-06 15:37:21

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