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Comment 74 for 2030 Target Scoping Plan Discussion Draft (sp2030disc-dec16-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Cher
Last Name: Gilmore
Email Address:
Affiliation: Citizens' Climate Lobby

Subject: 2030 Target Scoping Plan Draft
Dear CARB members,

Thank you for soliciting public comments on the 2030 Target Scoping
Plan, and thank you for your hard work in outlining an updated plan
to address California's emission reduction goals.

I am proud to be living in a state that leads in addressing climate
change by taking specific actions to effectively reduce carbon
emissions. What has been, and is still being done is to be
commended, AND I believe we can do even better. 

My primary suggestion for the updated plan is that you take a
closer look at Carbon Fee and Dividend (CFD) as a simpler, easier
to implement, and more comprehensive solution for runaway
emissions, with a built-in mechanism for protecting the most
vulnerable from negative economic impacts (the dividend provided to
all households). CFD would not necessarily have to replace the Cap
and Trade program now in effect, but could provide additional
elements to improve the effectiveness of the current effort.

A study commissioned by Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) and done by
Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) shows that a national carbon
price starting now and rising to $150/ton would reduce emissions by
40% from current levels by 2030. At the same time it would increase
GDP and add millions of jobs. It shows unequivocally that we can
reduce emissions and improve the economy at the same time.

Another study by Kevin Ummel shows that in a CFD scenario, low
income, minority, and elderly households would all come out ahead,
in terms of having their rising energy costs covered or exceeded by
the dividend. The fact of receiving a dividend would also virtually
guarantee continued public support, as has been  the case with the
British Columbia CFD program. Clearly, to be able to continue the
program long enough for the warming problem to be solved will
require public support.

A CFD program would also be more acceptable and easy for other,
perhaps less developed, economies to adopt, and this also is a good
reason for choosing that solution. Ultimately, addressing climate
change will require a worldwide response, and a simpler solution is
more likely to be widely implemented than a more complex one.

Another advantages of CFD over Cap and Trade is that CFD provides a
clear and steady price signal, needed by businesses and individuals
to plan effectively. CFD also covers fossil fuel use throughout the
economy, since the fee would be assessed upstream where the fuels
first enter the economy. Therefore, it's more comprehensive.

Again, my primary request is for you to study and analyze Carbon
Fee and Dividend much more thoroughly as you compare the various
carbon pricing options. And I thank you for your work in addressing
the critical and urgent issue of climate change, for the benefit of
all humanity and the natural world.


Cher Gilmore


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-16 13:18:32

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