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Comment 4 for 2030 Scoping Plan Public Workshop on GHG scenarios, NWL, public health (sp2030scenarios-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Kristin
Last Name: Ralff-Douglas
Email Address:
Affiliation: CPUC

Subject: question for workshop
I am wondering where the local government reductions that you
mentioned at the start of the workshop show up in the reduction

In one of the slides, it calculates that the Scoping Plan Scenario
calls for a total of 67% reduction in the electric sector from 1990
to 2030. Can you tell us how that number was calculated and what's
in it (eg is the electric sector cap and trade responsibility
included or is it just RPS and EE)?



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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-11-07 12:13:20

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