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Comment 5 for 2030 Scoping Plan Public Workshop on GHG scenarios, NWL, public health (sp2030scenarios-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Virginia
Last Name: Matzek
Email Address:

Subject: need for shrub biomass data
My take on the inventory reports is that the biomass figures for
shrublands are really poorly constrained...and that's about 11% of
California, in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and other arid or
semi-arid woody veg. Doing more LIDAR and running more models is
not going to improve this, because the underlying base data for
converting shrubland area to tons of biomass are just not there.
ARB needs to fund the development of shrub allometrics or at the
very least some groundtruthing of the remotely sensed data so that
we can feed better info into the models. This would help not only
to figure out fire emissions, but to understand carbon implications
for land management activities like fuel thinning, ecological
restoration, and utility veg management.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-11-07 14:07:32

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