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Comment 52 for 2030 Scoping Plan Public Workshop on GHG scenarios, NWL, public health (sp2030scenarios-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Chris
Last Name: Brown
Email Address:

Subject: AB 32 Scoping Plan comments
It is clear that achieving the 2030 target will be substantially
more challenging than achieving the 2020 targets.  CARB is to be
commended for looking at various scenarios for achieving the 2030
Previous assumptions about the needs for contracts for new natural
gas generation must be re-examined since investments in additional
gas generation capacity may be incompatible with the 2030 targets.
Failure to do so This will result in stranded economic assets, and
release of GHG in levels incompatible with meeting COP21 goals. 
Local air district action can coexist with the cap and trade
program. Encouraging and incentivizing regulatory actions is
critical and essential. A lesson learned from the 2014 through 2016
drought enforcement in California  is that the deepest cutbacks in
water use were achieved when clear enforceable regulatory goals
were set. This lesson should be incorporated into and adopted as a
model for energy efficiency and alternative energy programs.  
Economic analyses of the scenarios should incorporate accurate
measurements of the direct costs of fossil fuel combustion
including health impact of criteria and other toxic air pollutants,
in addition to an appropriate range of values for the cost of
carbon, reflecting GHG damages.
Should the scenario involving a carbon tax occur, revenue from the
tax should be used for Greenhouse Gas reduction measures as
currently occurs with the Cap and Trade program. 


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-11-21 16:36:22

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