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Comment 9 for Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust for California (vw-mititrust-pl-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Mark
Last Name: Roest
Email Address:
Affiliation: Green Fleets Group, SeaWave Battery

Subject: Supposed scrappage requirement
If you look at the appendix, you will see contradictions between
scrappage and information about conversions. Is it possible for you
to determine that you will fund conversions, relying on the
paragraphs in the Appendix whose subject matter is conversions, and
either claiming the right to interpret the defective writing for
the obvious intent to allow conversions in lieu of scrappage, or
appealing to the supervising court to acknowledge that portion of
the intent of the negotiators of the agreement.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-10-09 11:10:05

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