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Comment #155 for Informal Public Comments on the Proposed Advanced Clean Fleets Rulemaking
(acf-comments-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Kwan Kok
Last Name: Ko
Email Address:
SubjectPlease Push Forward HD ICE Ban

Currently, the regulation by the state is to ban all new internal combustion engine ("ICE") heavy-duty vehicles ("HDVs") by 2045. Existing vehicles will be allowed to continue to operate. However, due to how long modern ICE HDVs last, a ban by that date will not make meeting the mandate of carbon neutrality by 2050 under the Paris Climate Agreement possible. Most modern ICE HDVs last around 1,000,000 miles before needing replacement, which is around 12-15 years with the normal annual mileage. So, it is recommended that the ICE ban for new HDVs be pushed forward to no later than 2038, preferably 2035, in order to be able to meet the target of net zero emissions by 2050 under the Paris Climate Accord.

This is an extremely vital mandate to comply with because anthropogenic climate change ("AGCC") is an existential threat to the human species, which will do so by drastically worsening droughts and increasing wildfires by an unimaginably huge amount, consequently severely dwindling food supplies all over the globe. We've already seen the unprecedented string of wildfires and heat waves since 2017, and even that (the present) is still nothing compared to what will come if society continues on pumping out greenhouse gases at the current rate. This means that the worst is still yet to come. As a result, I strongly urge CARB under CalEPA to take urgent drastic action by banning all new combustion engines outside of light-duty vehicles starting by 2035. Even the State of Washington is doing so by just 5 years after that date (2040), so the State of California, which has historically lead on environmental protection regulations, should not let itself fall behind other states.

I would appreciate feedback.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-07-14 16:49:16

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