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Comment #1 for Analysis to Identify Potentially Significant Environmental Effects of Proposed Cap-and-Trade Regulation
(aug-23-fed-ceqa-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Monty
Last Name: Campbell
Email Address:
SubjectCarbon credit trading scheme

I understand that you intend to let market place economies reduce
the cost of reducing carbon emissions by allowing emitters to trade
surplus credits to those who need more credits in order to maintain
their business.

Will there be any provision by which an idividual who pays for
credits (by purchasing taxed, carbon based energy, be it
electricity or fuel) can save/reduce carbon emission & thereby have
reduced carbon emission & have a means of selling his reduced
emission to a company that needs them, as above?

Is there a way that a creative aftermarket company can sell a
product that reduces carbon emission - and that company can
generate credits that can be sold to those who need them?

I noticed that Tesla Motors sold its credits for electric car
production to Honda Motor Company.  Will there be a similar means
by which other innovators can profit from working on "green"
projects - to then be able to sell those credits, as a means to
futher develop new innovations?

Thank you,

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2010-08-23 10:40:49

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