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Comment #5 for Comment docket for March 29, 2022 workshop on dairies
(dairywkshp220329-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Linda
Last Name: Fitzgerald
Email Address:
SubjectDon't give carbon credits to Iowa manure greenwashing
My home state of Iowa has become a sacrifice zone every bit as
devastating, spread over the whole state, as the Gulf communities
and 3rd World countries we pity. Our water, our soil, our air --
and even our politics -- are all polluted by unregulated animal
production and the commodity crops that feed them. A nutrient
reduction strategy has failed to stem, much less reduce nutrient
loss, given that it is carefully controlled to prevent any economic
discomfort to the industrial agriculture that creates most of the
nutrient pollution in our waterways -- all the way to the dead zone
in the Gulf and red tides in W. Florida. The chief polluters are
eager to push a biofuel agenda and now have jumped on biogas and
its carbon pipeline system as a way to justify massive expansion of
their "no consequences" extractive business model. The few
remaining family farmers are valiantly fighting back as politicians
give their funders eminent domain to disrupt small scale free range
cattle production and responsibly scaled crops as the pipeline
owners force their dangerous carbon capture pipes across the state,
crossing multiple waterways in the Mississippi and Missouri
watersheds. What is in it for them? Your generous carbon credits.
Please do not feed this monster that is destroying one of the
formerly richest soil and water systems in the world. 

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-04-02 07:02:52

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