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Comment #49 for Auction Proceeds Investment Plan Public Process
(investplan2015-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Rory
Last Name: Bakke
Email Address:
AffiliationSustainable Concepts Studio
SubjectSupport of SME category and funding in GGRF Investment Plan
I am writing to request that CARB and the GGRF Boards allocate
significant funding from the GGRF to support California's small and
medium-sized enterprises and communities to participate in
sustainability education and training programs that help them
design and implement initiatives that result in greenhouse emission
reductions for California. I am a Sustainability Advisor that has
been working with businesses, public agencies and communities in
California for over 20 years to reduce waste and improve
environmental performance overall.

The organizations that should eligible for this funding include
those who have been working diligently to embed best practices for
environmental and social performance into their business and
organizational models via action planning and use of key resources
such as: energy utility programs and incentives, water program
technical assistance, zero waste training and benefits, procurement
and supply chain education and initiative toolkits and other
similar project assistance.
Currently, REV Sustainability and the CA Green Business Program are
key organizations involved in educating SME's about their options
in this arena and how they can make a real difference that will
result in GHG emissions reductions statewide. I strongly encourage
your Board, the Governor's office, and the State Legislature to
include SME funding in the Investment Plan to reach this
difficult-to-reach and potentially very valuable sector and enlist
them in deeper GHG reduction efforts.

Thank you for your time.

Rory E. Bakke
Sustainable Concepts Studio

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-25 10:24:25

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