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Comment #56 for Auction Proceeds Investment Plan Public Process
(investplan2015-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Ryan
Last Name: Carney
Email Address:
SubjectAll State Agencies Receiving Appropriations from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.
REV provides sustainability education and training to
small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs), organizations and
communities. The REV Sustainability Circles® program provides
multiple environmental and economic benefits that help reduce GHGs,
grow the green economy through adoption of best practices, specific
initiatives within the framework of a customized five year
Sustainability Action Plan. This holistic six month Sustainability
program brings together up to 10 local companies, organizations and
communities into a powerful peer-learning community. REV support
includes identifying and engaging local experts on all the relevant
topics needed to develop the comprehensive 5 year Action Plan with
all the metrics needed to make the right decisions for each
participating organization.

Two REV coaches are dedicated to each Circle for the entire 6
months and provide one-on-one onsite coaching to all participants.
An average of 30 and up to 115 initiatives are identified and key
outcomes are metrics such as investments required, payback, ROI,
energy savings, water reduction, cost savings and, most important,
GHG reductions.  Average metrics over 75 recent California Circle
graduates are as follows:

•	GHGs – 1059 tons reduced per year / participant
•	Water reduction – 2.1 million gallons / year
•	Energy savings– 1.5million kwH per year
•	Cost savings: $316,166 per year

The REV Circles help businesses adopt leading edge greenhouse gas
reduction practices, verifies results and improvements and
generates reliable outcome metrics and reports for REV’s utility
customers. REV’s Sustainability Circles® program directly meets the
GGRF funding priority of projects that result in significant
measurable GHG emission reductions and multiple environmental
benefits while providing economic benefits for Circle participants
and extending program benefits to disadvantaged communities.  We
strongly encourage your Board, the Governor’s office, and the State
legislature to include major funding for small and mid-size
businesses, organizations and communities in your investment plan
so that programs like the REV Sustainability Circles®, the
California Green Business Network, and others can truly grow the
green economy and greatly reduce GHG emissions throughout
California. The GHGs locked up in SMEs are enormous. The challenge
has been that this sector is referred to as “the hard to reach
sector” for good reason. REV is demonstrating its ability to unlock
those doors and is beginning to make real impact.

I strongly recommend that you not only fund SMEs to engage in the
REV Sustainability Circles® program and assist with the financing
of the GHG related initiatives, but that you fund other programs
focused on California’s SMEs that are demonstrating significant
reductions in GHGs while providing other relevant benefits.

Thank you for listening,
Ryan Carney

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-27 16:35:08

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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